Léna is also a Regional Manager for Writopia Lab whose mission is to foster joy, literacy, and critical thinking in kids and teens from all backgrounds through creative writing.

"Well, the question is, what do you want to believe? Do you want to live in a world where things are possible, or in one where they aren't?" Cin, Edges.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

EDGES Available for Pre-Order on Amazon!!!


I've been pondering how much more pro-active I can be about marketing EDGES other than blogging, and beating down the doors of my publishers. I've been worried: am I doing enough? I've been insecure: but so and so blogs 5x a day and has 3000 followers! I can almost hear my Gran quoting John Donne as she was wont to do in these times of self doubt: "Comparisons are odious", and I try my best to heed her advice.

But I know I need a swank and hip website, and Elizabeth Winthrop sees my need for career control and keeps telling me to make a teaching guide and a workshop around EDGES - she is so write! I mean, right . . . I've been getting antsy about the whole promoting angle, and resolved to do most of it myself.

So . . . last night when I should have been sleeping - now, I may embarrass myself - I googled "Léna Roy", out of curiosity, not expecting anything earth shattering, you know, maybe a couple of links to this blog, when I found a link to Amazon, and to EDGES! Mon Dieu, it is seven months away from publication, and already available for pre-order. I don't know what this means, but suffice it to say, I am VERY excited, and had energy to bring to this months' Writers 4 Writers lunch with Rebecca Stead and Elizabeth, Carolyn, Lucy and Jeanne. Rebecca had other "promoting" news for me - she had just come back from the International Reading Association convention in Chicago, where she was very busy presenting, but had taken a picture of an ARC of EDGES being displayed next to my Gran's AND BOTH WERE YOUNG! How's that for exposure?

And my friends tell me that they never know anything either until it happens. Or it doesn't - we have to be prepared for that too. (Buy oy! Worry can be crippling!) Suffice it to say that I couldn't get a hold of anybody who knew what was going on today, but at the same time, what this shows me that I need to have a little more faith, and that just because I am blind and naive about this process doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to fall on my tush. And if that happens, as it certainly has on numerous occasions, then I need to pick myself up and redouble my efforts! (After wallowing in chocolate for a week or so of course!)

AND . . . if anybody decides to check out Amazon to see if it's TRUE, (or maybe even pre-order the book? I told you I would be shameless - ah, but you are waiting for my book launch party on December 7th, maybe, yes?) there is no information about the book yet, and I don't have an author page. (Have signed up, but they need verification from the publisher.)

More from me on . . . Saturday!


  1. such an exciting discovery!! i have to say it looks gorgeous up there on amazon :-)

  2. Your debut novel is available for pre-ordering and ARCs were displayed at a convention. That deserves a boa and kid gloves day. Go you! Congratulations.

    I liked the post, particularly you quoting Madeleine quoting John Donne. Fabulous.

  3. And then there's Shakespeare's "Comparisons are odorous"! (Much Ado About Nothing)

  4. Of course I'll be ordering the book, and showcasing it on my blog when it's available for order on Amazon (not pre-order). Of course, that doesn't mean too much because I only have about 5 people who follow it. I think there might be more soon.

    Also, have you set up readings for the book at Barnes and Nobles? And have you contacted the library that has your grandmother's archives? I bet they would love to do some kind of showcase for you.

    I called you this afternoon - give me a call. I have some ideas for you. And no, I'm not trying to be your agent. :)

  5. I just realized that first paragraph had one too many repetitions of 'of course.' Ugh. I should proofread my comments BEFORE I post.

  6. Don't worry Lena, it is going to be a great success, and we are all behind you. And if there are some false starts, do what I do, I remember your Gran and that yucky decade of no publishing and figure that I will have a rich publishing career when I am an octogenarian. :)

  7. Thank you Word Diva! I tell others to celebrate the baby steps, but feel a bit sheepish when it comes to me! But maybe this is part of the function of the blog - to MAKE myself do it!

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