Léna is also a Regional Manager for Writopia Lab whose mission is to foster joy, literacy, and critical thinking in kids and teens from all backgrounds through creative writing.

"Well, the question is, what do you want to believe? Do you want to live in a world where things are possible, or in one where they aren't?" Cin, Edges.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Contest: Two Audio Books and A Signed Hard Copy For Grabs

We hit the six month mark on Edges last week and I didn't even realize it. Something must have been niggling at my brain because in my blog yesterday I announced a contest to win one of two audio books or a signed hard copy to my loyal readers. I was also riddled with insecurity.

But dang. We need to celebrate and for that I need to expand the contest! Six months peeps. No longer am I a debut author. I am a little more seasoned and rough around the edges (ha)!

Sure that means some insecurity sometimes, but I promised you authenticity, didn't I?

So. Contest rules. There are no rules! If you follow my blog and my Facebook page, I will enter your name 3x.  If you don't, no worries, play anyway - your name will be entered! I've hosted contests before where I've asked people to tell me about themselves, or answer a prompt, but I won't do that this time. It will be EASY-PEASY.

Just tell me in the comments where you will be vacationing this summer. That's it!

(Me? It will be a STAY-Cation with my family, but I AM going to Orlando next month for Leaky Con 2011!)

The contest ends on the first day of summer vacation for us out in the Northeast and the first day of camp: Monday, June 27th at 6PM.

And to bloggers out there - if you want to host a give-away on your site, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

Peace out!


  1. Woot! I would love to win this! And I will be vacationing... at home. Hooray! Haha! I am pretty sure I follow blog and FB page, but I will make sure. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I am going to Vancouver!! Super excited!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

    TweetyB99 at aol dot com

  3. I will be vacationing at home as well. I follow both the blog and your FB page. :]


  4. This would help kill time during the summer. We are doing local things-swimming, horseback riding lessons and continuing education.
    Would love to win

  5. Look at us all stay-cationers! Thank you all for playing!

  6. And Flo - Vancouver is soooo beautiful! I went there once to visit the set of the ABC Family TV version of A Wrinkle in Time. Have fun!

  7. Allan and I will visit the nearby RI shore for a couple of day trips. We've been able to identify only a couple of "windows" when one or the other of us isn't working this summer, drat. But I cherish any time at all with the waves and sea-smoothed stones and long bright days!

  8. Sharon Mills WoodhallJune 14, 2011 at 4:57 PM

    Hi Lena.I'm a lucky girl as I get to spend the whole of the summer on the beautiful island of Mallorca. My family has had a holiday home there for over 30 years, so its home from home.Its precious family time, away from the television and the XBox, and of course an opportunity for me immerse myself in all the books Ive been promising myself all year!

  9. Lois - the R.I. shore with your beloved sounds perfect, even if too fleeting!

    And Sharon - Mallorca, wow! (Keep talking like that, and you might get a visit from a long lost friend!)

  10. I'm always on vacation, so where ever I am is the vacation. Mostly, I'll be in the shack on the banks of Tombigby. Trying to stay cool, catching catfish and dreaming of living the writer's life. Peace&Love!

  11. I'll be vacationing at home in Williamsburg Virginia!

  12. Congratulations! and thanks for the giveaway....We are trying to decide btn carribeans or cruise.

  13. Ooooh Amy! Williamsburg! We took a road trip there last summer. Kids loved it! How fun to be able to live there.

    Sooji - Carribean or cruise - that's a tough one. Have fun whatever you do, and thank you both for entering!

  14. Another stay-cationer here! Enjoying time at home with my daughter, though, after her first year of college.

  15. Lynne - that sounds like heaven - you must have missed your daughter so much!

  16. Mostly, staycation...here and in Westchester, so we must meet for that coffee!! I'll let you know when I'm around!

  17. Vacationing? Wait, there is such a thing as a Vacation? What does this word mean? Oh wait, sorry, hold over from another conversation on text.

    Arizona, in July, I'm insane, but Cassi is there so, Arizona, in July.

    Yea contests. I need sleep.

  18. I'll look forward to that coffee, Anne-Marie!

    Crazy Lady, you live up to your moniker hitting Arizona in July - but I also love that vacation = being with a good friend!

  19. I would love to win a copy of Edges! I will be vacationing on the back of a Harley Davidson wending its way through the Colorado Rockies. Nothing like my arms around my guy, an overdose of fresh air and the scent of pine, aspen, wildflowers and now and then a little road kill!

  20. Cheryl - that sounds amazing! I am smelling the aspen already, and your name will be lotterized! (I love making up words).

  21. mostly staying at home, attempting to attack the pile of books by my bed, as well as the garden, and the summer 'slump' for my kids...but will visit family in NEBRASKA!!!

  22. Hi Kristen - thanks for playing! Reading, gardening and NEBRASKA - sounds like fun!

  23. I'll be going to LeakyCon this summer, like you! I bought the literature track so I'll be seeing you :D I'd love a signed copy of your book!! I also went to Portland, Oregon, last week. It was a lot of fun!

  24. Oh She-the-writer I am so excited to meet you at LeakyCON! We will ROCK!

  25. We are possibly (not yet probably) going to a beach we love on the skirts of Charleston, SC. If not there, then Hilton Head Island, SC.

    If not there, then our back yard.

  26. That sounds like fun Keith: say hi to the dolphins for me!

  27. Oh! Oh! I want to win!

    Let's see...I'm not really vacationing, but I'm going to spend a month as an intern at Scholastic Press in NYC, where I'll get to edit my book (and get paid for it!). If that isn't a good writer-vacation, I don't know what is. Plus, I'll get to meet my agent (the fabulous Edward...he's fabulous, isn't he?) in person for the first time!

  28. This is VERY exciting, Kate! When are you going to be in NYC? There are some cool author events going on! I could introduce you to some of my peeps . . .

    And yes, Edward is fabulous!

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